
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Days 18-22: Thirty Days of Lists

I'm getting close to the end. Can I just say how much I love the look of all of the lists together in a Project Life layout? So awesome. I'm really excited I decided to do that. Alright...I have four more lists today and I'll all caught up with posting since my break. Here we go:

Day 18

Does this list look a little empty to you? I was a bit put off that this list happened to fall on a 4x6 layout instead of a 3x4 because I don't have much to put on this list. I just really don't like asking for help. 

I'm really particular about how I like things to be and if I ask for help it's either more work than just doing it myself (because I have to explain everything and I get really bossy and it's terrible for my relationships) or I'm secretly upset because it isn't done the way I like it. 

Am I revealing too much about myself here? It's really quite terrible, isn't it? Well, a lot of this project deals with learning about yourself and self reflection and it's definitely doing that.

A lot of these qualities are what I strive to be. I just thought of one more thing just now: I really like it when someone is really particular or has a really strong interest in a particular thing. It's kind of hard to explain. I just like it when someone has a "thing," like if someone had a "thing" for collecting panda objects because they really like pandas (really random choice, I know). Then this person has to buy a particular plate because it has a panda on it and they really like pandas. I think it may stem from the fact that I have so many things I'm interested in it just really calms my soul to know that there are people that can pledge allegiance to a particular thing or hobby or habit. I think I'm a bit envious of it.

Also, this list looks a little unfinished because I had forgotten to add something. I couldn't think of the word for what I wanted to write. What's it called when someone has a strong backbone about things? Strong willed? I don't know if that's quite the right word so that's why I left it blank until I could figure out what word I'm thinking of.

I think the most comforting thing on this list (besides my family, of course) is that I'm re-reading HP (again, haha). I've had the urge for a while but I've been putting it off. I really like re-reading it in the winter months. It's just so perfect to get cuddled up after a fresh bath or shower and crawl into bed and dive into the wizarding world. It's the perfect escape. To the perfect place. (I don't think I've mentioned it in the blog yet, but I am so so so so so excited for the new movie!)

This prompt made me laugh when I read it. What a joke. Lol. My diet isn't too terrible. I think a lot of my issues is portion control. We like to eat large quantities of food but most of the time the actual food we're eating isn't too terrible. Oh, and cheese. We've joked before that cheese (all kinds of cheese) is pretty much its own food group in our house.

I'm not gonna lie, I made this card the night before last and I had a pretty interesting dream last night that I'm disappointed didn't make it onto this card. I had a dream that Ryan was injured in some sort of accident at the mall and it left him in a pretty bad condition. (As I retold the dream to Ryan he says he was injured in a mall kiddie train accident, haha.) For some reason - with the disabilities he had when he was recovering, he would fit or make it in doors so they gave him a fenced in area to live in while he recovered. We were apparently living on a college campus so his fenced-in cage was on campus and students would see him as they walked to class and it was mighty awkward so I would only visit him at night. Ryan was not pleased that dream-Alex did this. Oh well. Pretty weird though, right?

Woooo! Caught up! Also: Happy First Day of Fall!!! I feel like I should do something to celebrate but I haven't decided on what yet. Hmmm....

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Day 12-17: Thirty Days of Lists (PL Layout Included!)

TA-DA! The second page of my 30 Days of Lists is done! Pretty, right? My last #30days update ended on Day 11 so we'll get caught up. 

Side note: I'm back! I had a short bout of depression and a severe case of the "blahs" but I'm back now! (I'm pretty sure it was induced from a new medication I was taking. Went off of it and now I'm back to normal. If only every bad mood was as easy of a fix.) Thanks for the little break. Also, I took a break from reading some blogs too so if I've been silent, I apologize. Everyone needs a little break every now and then. :)

Alright, down to business. Here's Day 12...

Now, September isn't my favorite month at all (other than school starting...I loved school starting!). I think my favorite part of September is pretty much the fact that I'm one step closer to the time of year I really love: October, fall, and Christmastime! :)

While I was writing out this list I asked Ryan for some input and apparently I have a lot more than 5 but this was all that I could fit on the 3x4 card. Haha. #3 is probably the most bothersome. I get slightly jealous of people who are a bit more of "dreamers" but at the same time I can't help but secretly thinking "Oh that is never going to work out." I know, I'm terrible. That's why it's a bad habit, right?

Day 14

Our weekends are all pretty much the same. It may be lame and not very exciting to others but we're homebodies and we have a small child so our options are limited. I love the weekend though. It recharges me so I can tolerate another working week. :)

Day 15

This one's pretty self explanatory. That's pretty much everything in our junk drawer too. Mr. 246 cleaned it out a week or two ago and this is all that remains. Now that I'm typing this up...I totally should have taken a picture too. Oh well.

I had a hard time choosing who I would pick for this list but in the end Ryan won. "My Warning Signs" refers to the signs I emit when I'm overwhelmed or done with something and not feeling well, or I'm about to turn into a pumpkin. He knows them all. 

He's just that good. The "puddles" refer to the pitcher of water we keep on the counter. I'll admit it...sometimes I'm too lazy to get water if the "puddle" is empty since it takes so long to fill up a cup. (We have a filter thing on our tap.) Therefore the puddle must always be filled otherwise I'm probably getting slightly dehydrated. (Ryan chose "puddle" as a reference to dogs drinking out of puddles. Lol.) 

The green light refers to the Wiimote charging station in bedroom. It has a green light when it's charging at night and it's ridiculous. It seriously lights up the whole room. It's terrible. He's heard me bitch about it enough. Haha.

The Luna one is pretty self explanatory.

"Sleep equations" is what we call my sleeping process. I have a ridiculous amount of things that must be in place before I can sleep. (i.e. proper pillows, proper blanket, proper temperature, proper positioning, my "double eye patch", ect...)

Day 17

I got excited about this one but slightly overzealous by making so many spots on the grid but I do like the grid form for listing. It's a bit different.

Okay, so I'm getting caught up. I'm going to have another post in a while or so to get caught up. Woooooo!!

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I'll Be Back...

Sunset from the end of our street. Beautiful.

I'm going to be taking a short break from blogging. I'm overly stressed at work and lately all I've wanted to do is sit an be a zombie in the evenings, so that's what I'm going to do. I'll be back in a couple days and I'll post my lists then. :)

But real quick: I had another interview. (A panel interview! Ahhh!) They gave me a tentative job offer, pending my background check and references. So that's very exciting. Bad part: it's been taking up to two months for people to get cleared and set up before they start working. I'll cross my fingers and hope it won't take that long.

Hope you're all well. I'm gonna set myself up with some hot tea, blankies, and a good book. See you in a couple days!

-Mrs. 246

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 11: Thirty Days of Lists

Luna and Ryan are the best family anyone could ask for. And yes - Ryan taught me how to change a diaper. I had a C-Section so Ryan was taking care of Luna while I was recovering, by the time I was ready to change a diaper I had no clue and Ryan walked me through it. Also, Ryan is the most patient person in the world. He currently has a job tutoring autistic children and I can think of no one better suited for such a job. I couldn't do it.

Luna's a good teacher too. I finally have to hold myself accountable because I have this small impressionable human being watching my every move. Children learn through observation and I don't want her observing any of my bad habits. She helps me be a better person.

And Boo...it's true...if I'm really upset about something sometimes the only thing that can help me feel better is cuddling with my little puppy.

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 10: Thirty Days of Lists

There are a lot more, I'm sure...but these are just the first ones I could think of. I'm glad I'm doing Project Life though because I'm going to start keeping track of what I've received.

I am terrible at remembering anything memory-related. I frequently have to ask Ryan what movies I've seen or haven't seen and whether I liked them or not. Sometimes he'll tell me things that happened and I have no recollection of them. I'm pretty sure I have early onset something and it scares me.

Anyways, one of the things Ryan and I can never remember is what we've gotten for each other. Ask me what I got for my birthday last year...I have no clue! Christmas? Not a clue there either (except the big things - new sewing machine and new hardcover deluxe HP set!). I'm going to start documenting everything we've received so I can remember and look back to see how much people care. :)

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 9: Thirty Days of Lists

I can think of lots of things that make me cry but there isn't anything too weird that makes me cry. This is the best I could do. I cry at pretty normal things that can make people cry. I mean, who doesn't cry at the ASPCA commercial? (And why can't I change the channel fast enough?!)

Also, DYAC = Damn You Autocorrect. (Their site, however, has gone downhill and I find it kind of frustrating at times.)

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Days 7 & 8 (and a peek at the first week all together!): 30 Days of Lists

I didn't seem too many exciting things yesterday. We hung out at the house mostly and even then we did pretty average stuff.

One thing that was neat was Luna and my tablet. We don't let her play with electronics or watch TV but I was looking around the Google Play store and found a cute free shapes app and let Luna check it out. It had shapes and said the names of things and Luna repeated after the narrator and said, circle, door, and pizza! It was pretty neat. Three new words all at once! I don't think I'll make the screen time a habit though. Maybe on special occasions though.

Now for Day 8: Childhood Chores!

The only childhood chores I really remember was mowing the lawn (we had a huge lawn and we got to use the riding mower so it was kind of fun!) and cleaning up dog poop. Great...if I remember correctly, we had to clean up the dog poop before we mowed. Oh joy. Oh, and the dishes..."Cleaning the counters is part of doing the dishes...go back and do the counters!" I call "bullshit" on that. That is two different chores. Yea...I'm still a little bit bitter.

So....do you wanna see the first Project Life page for the project?!? It looks very nice all put together!
((Remember you can click on any picture to make it larger!))

Now that my first week of  "30 Day of Lists" is done, I'm feeling pretty good about it. I hope you've all enjoyed checking them out so far...only 22 days left!

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Friday, September 6, 2013

Day 6: Thirty Days of Lists

Day 6

I didn't really have much to say on the whole "Rules to Break" prompt. I suppose the last note on the list is the most meaningful to me. It's just silly to try to be awesome at everything mom/woman related. It's also exhausting. I'm much happier not trying to fufill every single "Super Mom" aspect. For example...mom/woman related things I suck at: getting dolled up daily (I don't even come close), doing all the household chores (we're pretty 50/50 around here), baking, cooking (I just don't care for it), being all fitness-y and healthy all the time (I get on health kicks every once in a while, but I'm not going to make myself miserable over it if I'm not being 100%).

Last week, a friend posted a link to an excellent blog post that you can read here. It's called "Mom vs. Mom: The War I Didn't See Coming" on the LovingMyLot blog that kind of touches on the topic. I don't feel quite as strongly as the author, but it's a good read and it made me laugh.

doggie bomb

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 5: Thirty Days of Lists

Day 5

As I was writing this lists I realized, I don't really worry about too much. Besides the craziness going on with my job (and therefore the money) I'm not too much of a worrier. I'm usually one of those people who, even when freaking out, really believe (at least in the back of my mind) that everything's going to be okay.

And yes, I worry about my dog dying. I know it's a real possibility because he's a dog and that's what dogs do. They don't live forever. I can comprehend my dog dying. I think that's why I don't really worry about something happening to Ryan or Luna...I just can't comprehend it. They are supposed to be good and whole forever. I know that's not realistic, but I don't want to sit and worry about them. I want to sit and appreciate them as they are in the moment. :)

Day 5 (2)

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 4: Thirty Days of Lists

Today's prompt is pretty self explanatory. A lot of these aren't necessary "time wasters."  (Especially naps!) I think it's good for a person to do something silly and useless to blow of some steam and distract yourself from real life. But seriously, if you don't Reddit now, don't do it. I'm finally weaning off of Reddit a bit. It's just way too addicting.

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 3: Thirty Days of Lists

Today's prompt made me really sad. I found it really hard to think of things that younger me would like about current me. Conversely, I found it really easy to think of a million things that younger me would not like about current me. It's not that I'm terribly unhappy with how things currently are (at least in the bigger picture), but there is so much that younger me thought that my grown up years would be like. I don't necessary blame it on my failure to achieve such things, but perhaps my naivety on how easy it would be to achieve certain states or things or successes. I will use this prompt maybe as a jumping off point for some new goals...things I had long forgotten that I had wanted. Lots of thinking today...

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 2: Thirty Days of Lists

 For today I was thinking mostly craft-type projects but Mr. 246 reminded me it could probably be any project. We're slowly working on the house and paring down our possessions. (There's just so much stuff around here!) We're also kind of working on teaching Luna sign language and it is so freaking useful. Instead of guessing what your one-year-old wants, they just straight up tell you. It's amazing! She knows: eat, hungry, milk, more, all done, and sleepy. I think I may work on thirsty or diaper next. So useful. 

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 1: Thirty Days of Lists

September 1st! Today marks the first day of  "30 Days of Lists." #30lists is a list-along type project where you are given a prompt each day for the whole month of September and you display and keep your list in any way you choose: jotting it down real quick in a notebook, scrapbooking each list, digitally recording your lists, ect.

You can read about my listing plans in this post. I'll be doing mine within my Project Life book by writing each list on a 3x4in or 4x6in card.

I'm going to try to keep up with posting my lists every day or so. And I don't plan on writing too much about the lists, because they pretty much speak for themselves most of the time.

Here's day one: "What's new so far this year?"

I had to think hard for this one. At first I thought, "Well, nothing's really new this year..." but then I remembered that whole wedding and getting married thing....duh!

I'll be back tomorrow with another prompt!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246