
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 11: Thirty Days of Lists

Luna and Ryan are the best family anyone could ask for. And yes - Ryan taught me how to change a diaper. I had a C-Section so Ryan was taking care of Luna while I was recovering, by the time I was ready to change a diaper I had no clue and Ryan walked me through it. Also, Ryan is the most patient person in the world. He currently has a job tutoring autistic children and I can think of no one better suited for such a job. I couldn't do it.

Luna's a good teacher too. I finally have to hold myself accountable because I have this small impressionable human being watching my every move. Children learn through observation and I don't want her observing any of my bad habits. She helps me be a better person.

And Boo...it's true...if I'm really upset about something sometimes the only thing that can help me feel better is cuddling with my little puppy.

Want to learn more about my list project/"30 Days of Lists"? Please visit my original post to learn more!

Want to see more lists? Search for the hashtag "#30lists" on Instagram or Pinterest to see more! Or you can go to the #30lists Flickr Group. And if you're a Twitter user, you can check out even more lists here.

-Mrs. 246