
Thursday, September 12, 2013

I'll Be Back...

Sunset from the end of our street. Beautiful.

I'm going to be taking a short break from blogging. I'm overly stressed at work and lately all I've wanted to do is sit an be a zombie in the evenings, so that's what I'm going to do. I'll be back in a couple days and I'll post my lists then. :)

But real quick: I had another interview. (A panel interview! Ahhh!) They gave me a tentative job offer, pending my background check and references. So that's very exciting. Bad part: it's been taking up to two months for people to get cleared and set up before they start working. I'll cross my fingers and hope it won't take that long.

Hope you're all well. I'm gonna set myself up with some hot tea, blankies, and a good book. See you in a couple days!

-Mrs. 246


  1. Sounds great! I am a big proponent of self-care--whatever feels like the right thing! It sometimes leads to spaced out nights in front of Netflix, but also to a happier girl:) Sending good vibes for the job!!

  2. Enjoy your break! We all need one sometimes! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you as well!
